Thursday, September 22, 2011

The "Super-Fight" not happening is Mayweather's fault! Plain and Simple. Look at the facts!?

The truth is, that some of the fault is on each man, and their managers.

But, anaylize these facts, and honestly tell me that it isn't MOSTLY Mayweather's fault.

See,...the thing that ticks me off, and a LOT of boxing fans is that Mayweather seems to always find a way to dodge a tough fight. He protects that record of his AT ALL COSTS. And, over the years he has developed a reputation as a fight dodger.

On the flip side, a lot of Pac-man fans, find NO FAULT in their boy, because Pacquiao has never dodged, or tried to wiggle out of tough fights. Pacquiao has built a reputation as a guy who meets every difficult challenge head on at full speed ahead. So,... when the fight fell through the crapper, its very easy to point fingers at Mayweather seeing as how he has a long track record pattern of doing stuff like this.

There is a lot of other stuff too,... and, it does paint a funky picture, and, again it points the finger at mayweather.

For example, isn't it weird that way back in 2005 manny Pacquaio went public and, voiced his opinion that he believed the reason he lost to Erick Morales was because of having blood drawn close to the fight, and that he believed it weakend him. Even though, it was probably a psychological problem, and likely not a medical one,... Although the point is that it was real to Pacquiao. Now that went public in 2005, and everyone knew that Pacquiao felt that way,....however, superstitious it may be, that is how the guy feels.

So,...isn't it convienent that Mayweather who has NEVER had an issue with the efficiency of The Nevada State Comission with respect to the way they conduct testing for PED's. Now suddenly, he wants to change the rules, and have blood drawn close to the fight??? He would certainly have known that manny was superstitious about that, and that it would be the perfect escape plan to get out of the fight. And, not look like a coward.

Now basically, Mayweather's whole entire defence is that he asserts that Pacquiao is using PED's

What makes that so funny, is that Mayweather would absolutley NOT agree to a fight in Texas, or anywhere outside of Nevada,...Why??? Well, I will tell you why,...Floyd Mayweather is using a PED!!! Did you get that??? Floyd mayweather is using a Preformance Enhancing Drug!!! It is a drug called XYLOCAINE, and its illegal in Texas, and pretty much EVERYWHERE,...everywhere EXCEPT Nevada. Mind you that Nevada allows pretty much EVERYTHING including prostitution and gambling. So its NO WONDER why Floyd wouln't fight in Texas!

So, Floyd gets out of a fight by using Pacquaio's well known superstition against him, and then accuses Manny of taking PED's, while he stays up in Nevada using PED's??? Ummn,... that seems kinda weird don't you think???

Additionally, when Pacquiao and Mayweather were having their talks, trying to save the fight. it was later reported that Manny had been bending over backwards to try and make the fight happen. Including agreeing to let the fight be billed as Mayweather-Pacquiao instead of Pacquiao-Mayweather. Mayweather never bent at all, everything had to be his way, he wouldn't agree to any of Pacquiao's requests, so at some point Pacquiao just get feed up with the guy, can you really blame him??? Mayweather was deliberatly sabotaging the fight!

Also, just to clear manny's name, Manny agreed to three blood tests, unlimited urine tests, and to another blood test immediately after the fight. If Manny was on the JUICE he certainly would not agree to all that. Especially because after a fight, due to dehydration the %26quot;JUICE%26quot; if there was any would be concentrated in his blood system, and therefore much easier to find.

The simple fact is that Manny isn't on any PED's

Mayweather knows that, what he wants is to get out of the fight, and save his precious record, to do that, he knew that all he has to do is demand blood tests right before the fight, and it worked.The %26quot;Super-Fight%26quot; not happening is Mayweather%26039;s fault! Plain and Simple. Look at the facts!?
Great points...I don't understand how some people can say that Mayweather %26quot;conceded%26quot; to having the fight at 147 instead of 154. Why would he want to fight at Junior Middle when he's never fought at 154 before? Obviously, he wanted to have as big of a size advantage as possible because he knows that Pac tops out at 144 (in his fight against Cotto, 142 for ODLH). Secondly, what's this I hear about another concession he made with 8oz gloves...wasn't he complaining regarding the 10oz gloves when he used them against ODLH? Didn't Mayweather and Manny Pac agree to 8oz gloves to the brand of their choice? Regarding the $10 mil penalty for each pound over the limit Mayweather has to pay.....all I can say is...why would he even need it? His last two fights he came in at 146. He's never had a problem making weight. I don't blame Pac for imposing that $10 mil fine after seeing the stunt he pulled against Marquez. Mayweather never wanted this fight, and his actions of ridiculous demands illustrate that. He kept saying he didn't think Pac wanted to fight him because Pac never said %26quot;I want to fight Mayweather%26quot;. Well guess what...Mayweather never said, I want to fight Pac. But when Pac said, I want to fight Mayweather...what does Mayweather do? uh...yeah, but you have to fight me at 154! LOL. This guy is a waste of talent. I'd love to see Mayweather fans defend him when they announce Mayweather-Campbell.The %26quot;Super-Fight%26quot; not happening is Mayweather%26039;s fault! Plain and Simple. Look at the facts!?
Your words is absolutely right,so you have to join all the Pro Boxing fans around the world,ok.The %26quot;Super-Fight%26quot; not happening is Mayweather%26039;s fault! Plain and Simple. Look at the facts!?
Well duh

Anyone who thinks its manny's fault for the cancellation of the super fight has Bologna for a brainThe %26quot;Super-Fight%26quot; not happening is Mayweather%26039;s fault! Plain and Simple. Look at the facts!?
I still think it is more Manny's fault myself. You make some good points about the XYLOCAINE about why floyd didnt want to fight in texas as well , but i dont really consider that a PED. Also you said Manny bending over backwards for Floyd but i think it was the other way around. You never mentioned that Manny demanded 10 mil per lb over the limit Floyd came in at and he agreed to that. Floyd also asked that the fight be at 154, Manny said no 147 and Floyd agreed to that though i think Manny going up to 154 to fight him would be insane. Floyd also requested that they use 10 oz gloves, Manny insisted on 8 oz gloves and Floyd agreed to that. To me seems like Manny made more demands than Floyd and that Floyd in fact was the one doing all of the bending to make the fight happen. His only real request was the random blood testing which i felt Manny should have agreed to.The %26quot;Super-Fight%26quot; not happening is Mayweather%26039;s fault! Plain and Simple. Look at the facts!?
I can forgive Mayweather for ducking Pacquiao, he has a valid reason. But to fight Campbell is unforgivable. I can't believe Floyd can top a ***** up mess with another more ***** up.The %26quot;Super-Fight%26quot; not happening is Mayweather%26039;s fault! Plain and Simple. Look at the facts!?
Whatever you or people say, I believe it is the fight promoter that's at fault and has the biggest responsibility. He is the only one who can call off the fight or make it happen no matter what.The %26quot;Super-Fight%26quot; not happening is Mayweather%26039;s fault! Plain and Simple. Look at the facts!?
You are totally right!!!

Mayweather is the cheater, the coward, and the reason the fight of the century won't happen!!!

If Maywether does not fight, Paquiao, Mosley, or Paul Williams this year I think ever boxing fan should boycott all his fights, and Sports writters should out right call him a coward, and drop his P4P ranking below the top 50, until he decides to take a real fight!

I can NOT think of another fighter in the entire history of the sport who was behaived more cowardly!!!The %26quot;Super-Fight%26quot; not happening is Mayweather%26039;s fault! Plain and Simple. Look at the facts!?
Excellent bro. Some people however just don't want to admit that. They're blinded by what they think legitimate excuse of lil Floyd about the blood test and insist that Manny's hiding something. They won't accept that Manny agreed almost all of Mayweather's demand. Its just the blood drawing too close to the fight that Manny is not comfortable with, and that's lame excuse to some because Floyd is willing to do that. He's willing because that's his demand, lols.The %26quot;Super-Fight%26quot; not happening is Mayweather%26039;s fault! Plain and Simple. Look at the facts!?
there is only ONE FACT we can all agree on, no matter what:


USADA testing is not done in professional boxing, and is not done in Nevada. NSAC has existing protocols for testing fighters.

without this- the contract would have been signed a long time ago.

therefore, Floyd is the cause of all this fuss.

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