Thursday, June 2, 2011

Why does the physical appearance of a WWE superstar really matter in the company; is it really that important?

Obviously, this topic has it's pros and cons on different point of views. When I mention physical appearance I'm talking about the overall appearance from features and look. It's no surprise that not many smaller superstars get to be pushed into the main event or hold one of the main championships in the company. I know some will say %26quot;because they're not going to be believable as champions. They're too small to become champion%26quot;. Is that because you're accustomed to the way WWE handles their superstars or is it because the bigger, the better? Alright, what if the WWE were to book a smaller superstar into looking strong and credible? Would that change how the fans look at him or her or are smaller superstars still not believable and credible no matter what? I'm sure they can have a story in the match where skill and technique (smaller superstar) beat the size and power (bigger superstar), instead of using the typical speed vs. power. It would be nice to see a much smaller superstar (this doesn't include Rey Mysterio) to be built into a main event match.

I don't mean smaller superstars as in John Morrison and The Miz. I'm talking about superstars like Evan Bourne and Jamie Noble. I've noticed Kofi Kingston has been pushed into a program with Randy Orton, but I think Kofi Kingston has that %26quot;look%26quot; that the WWE likes (that could be debated). I'm in no way saying push every single smaller wrestler, but it would be nice to see someone like Jamie Noble, Evan Bourne and others to be built where fans can take them seriously and look more believable. Is the physical appearance or look of a WWE Superstar really important in terms of their career? Why does the physical appearance and look actually matter?

BQ - When I look at the WWE and the current main event slots, I've noticed most could retire within the next couple or few years. With that being said, the mid card talent will most likely be pushed into the main event such as The Miz, John Morrison, Jack Swagger and etc. This brings me to my question. Once these superstars are in the main event, do you think they will most likely wrestle the WWE Main Event style that we currently see or will we see them wrestle more %26quot;free%26quot;?

All detailed answers are appreciated and helpful. All opinions, facts, agreements and disagreements are welcomed. Thanks to those who took their time to read and answer the question.Why does the physical appearance of a WWE superstar really matter in the company; is it really that important?
WWE has always signed the bigger men, but I think the size of a wrestler is completely irrelevant. It's ridiculous how WWE judges?wrestlers based on their size and appearance.

WWE seems to be more interested in the bigger superstars and pushes the bigger superstars frequently. Superstars like Great Khali, Batista, Mark Henry, and others were pushed because of their size and appearance, although they are untalented wrestlers. They don't have superior wrestling ability compared to wrestlers like Austin Aries, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, KENTA, Taiji Ishimori, Tyler Black, Nigel McGuinness, Davey Richards, Kurt Angle, and others. WWE honestly doesn't care about wrestling ability, but whoever they feel is main event material and is marketable, they'll give a chance to that wrestler. Unfortunately, the smaller wrestlers such as Rey Mysterio, Evan Bourne, and others are ignored by the WWE. These men are unlikely to win a major title in the WWE.

Just like Vince McMahon is trying to find the next Hulk Hogan, I think Vince McMahon is trying to find the next Andre The Giant. These two wrestlers helped make WWE into what it is today and they had a match of epic proportions at Wrestlemania. Over the years wrestlers like Stone Cold, The Rock, Ultimate Warrior, Lex Luger, and John Cena have tried to be WWE's top star. WWE has pushed Big Show to resemble Andre, but Big Show doesn't have the charisma Andre did. Andre kept the fans interested, but Big Show bores people out of their minds. Vince seems to want to recreate the legendary times in the WWE. He always struggles to find a competitor that has the caliber of Andre The Giant and make him the next immovable object. The unstoppable force in the wrestling business.

Nobody understand why Vince McMahon prefers bigger superstars over the talented ones. It was absolutely horrible in the 90s because Vince was signing all the talentless big superstars, and only 2 men stood out with their size. Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels are the only successful competitors to become major successes in the WWE in the 90s, at their size. If we look at the major competitors in the WWE, its a matter of size. People say that its being realistic. After all, you can't imagine Rey Mysterio actually defeating The Big Show or Kane in a real fight. WWE has always signed the bigger men, but I think the size of a wrestler is completely irrelevant. It's ridiculous how WWE judges wrestlers based on their size and appearance.

The physical appearances of wrestlers are only important in the WWE. If you noticed, wrestlers are smaller nowadays. The average WWE wrestler is around 225-250 pounds. Other wrestlers from other promotions are smaller as well. Most professional wrestlers outside of the WWE are even smaller. In the WWE, size and look actually matter. It's why people are worried for smaller wrestlers debuting such as Bryan Danielson. I don't know why it matters to the WWE regarding fan support or anything else.

BQ: WWE has a harsh schedule and most wrestlers in the WWE usually wrestle 5-6 days a week. They have house shows, interviews, and traveling. They keep a limited style to reduce the potential risk of injury. If wrestlers went to their full potential in the WWE, we would see injuries occurring frequently. I really doubt WWE will change their schedule because they are easily the most popular and they want to dominate other wrestling promotions and not allow them to expand. Every wrestler in the WWE has 5-7 moves they use per match and that isn't likely to change. WWE is not a wrestling promotion; it is sports entertainment. That's all WWE cares about. They won't focus on the quality of wrestling. Unfortunately, I can't see wrestlers being less limited unless WWE changes its scheduling.Why does the physical appearance of a WWE superstar really matter in the company; is it really that important?
Yes,they do.WWE is and Entertainment company,and they work and spend Good Money on entertaining us,the people.If the wrestlers didn't want to wrestle,they could get a job elsewhere.It's their choice to put their bodies on the line,and i respect them for that.Why does the physical appearance of a WWE superstar really matter in the company; is it really that important?
Well, its not just the physical appearance that matters. Its a good, actually just perfect combination looks( a good body, which is THE ONLY THING that matters if you are a girl i.e. Diva), face, wrestling skills, mic skills, pchychology, and the X factor to attract the fans, which is very very important in professional wrestling. If they can't get money selling you then how will you and why will they take you. They do have extraordinary people. most of them are, but after the deaths of superstars like Eddie and Benoit and the drug and steroid abuses, they have stopped their intake drastically and stopped many things like bloody matches, diva bikini matches, more interesting segments, abusive and horny languages to say the least. ya vince mcmahon has a soft corner in his heart and brain for big guys ( maybe due the fact of the existence of his eight wonder of the world- andre the giant-- his penis), but nowadays there are many smaller people who are pushed, but WWE lacks those X factor that WWE had say 5 or 10 years back. i remember the golden period with Goldberg, Stone cold, Rock Benoit, Eddie, Kurt Angle and more. they all were quite different from each other. Kurt, Benoit, Eddie were not the biggest but still they were oushed coz they were that damn good. I loved them. 2 of whom are dead and one is in TNA.

YES.. hell ya it is important for you to look good.Why does the physical appearance of a WWE superstar really matter in the company; is it really that important?
it's gimmick, ring work,charisma that matters, just looked at shawn michaels, he's 6ft1 or not very tall not very short, he's funny,has awesome wrestling skills, an ultimate fan base BUT to get accepted into wwe as a superstar you have to have talent 7ft, be an awesome luchador,an ultimate extremist ectWhy does the physical appearance of a WWE superstar really matter in the company; is it really that important?
You're right, physical appearence definitely matters in the WWE and has an affect on how big a superstar gets. However, I'm not sure that this isn't perfectly acceptable. Certain physical traits make a person seem more serious and powerful looking so people will find it more realistic when these kinds of people are in the main events. For example, John Cena is tall and ridiculously muscular so people think he's automatically a good wrestler. If that's what people want to believe than the WWE is more than happy to oblige and will have Cena as a main eventer. The WWE is a company that has to please their fans so if fans think one guy is a more legitimate talent than another guy that's the way it has to be. Small guys like Bourne and Noble just don't seem strong enough to defeat big guys like Cena, HHH, Undertaker, etc. no matter how skilled they actually are.

But size isn't the only thing that constitutes %26quot;the look%26quot; that the WWE is looking for. For example, Mike Knox, R-Truth these guys are just as big and strong as some main eventers but obviously they're not getting any main event matches. (I don't think Dolph Ziggler has %26quot;the look%26quot;either and will be a mid card for life). But you have to realize that there are exceptions to your rule. For example, HBK, Jeff Hardy, and CM Punk are not HUGE guys with HUGE muscles but they're main eventers.

BQ: Cena, CM Punk, Orton should be around for a while longer and Edge may come back soon. I think at least Kofi, Swagger, and Morrison could fill some of the holes that the older guys are leaving. I think their style will be a little more free due to Swagger's amateur style, Kofi's high flying, and Morrison's unique athletic style.Why does the physical appearance of a WWE superstar really matter in the company; is it really that important?
yeah, i think the wwe is too strick on this, there is more pessure in the divas to keep in shape because people wont wanna sit and watch big women wrestle, but i think its stupid how they fired Cherry and Candice Michelle because they put on a lil weight and i have heard rumers about the WWE might be firing mickie james because apparently she has put on weight which is stupid coz shes a fan favourite and a main diva. i think its important because there on tv and there to entertain people but i think the WWE needs to not be as strick.

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