Thursday, September 22, 2011

What do you think about this new policy to ruin youtube?

here a question i asked earlier on today about the warning to shut down the internet , re-open it and then heavily censor it, monitor and restrict the net.


i keep getting laughed at about this warming i keep telling people about relating to the nwo and plans to shut down the internet , and reopen it with a restricted monitored internet.

with the NWO ( new world order ) speeding up its agenda , and recent talk about shutting down the internet , and then opening it back up with '' internet 2 '' a restricted version of the internet , where the government monitors your movements closely , you wont be able to access certain news , or websites or be able to download and have to pay to download anything etc.

do you think yahoo answers will advance to the stage where you'll have to pay to use it ? pay to ask a question ? pay to log in ?

where it will be monitored and you will be blocked from asking certain questions ?

the scary thing is, i can actually see this happening, waking up one day to an announcement from yahoo answers that they've implement these '' new '' policies and rules for the site.

and to have your bank or debit card available and pin number, or a special key number to pay to ask a question.

just like the announcement for youtube recently how it shocked and upset alot of people, took people by surprise , blew people out...

and the even more worrying thing is , i can see people just like sheep '' going right along with things '' saying '' oh its just the sign of the times , '' or '' the way things are now '' . - that's the way alot of people are like these days , brainwashed, dumbed down, sheep..

i can even see the spreading policy of the blocking things and monitoring of your actions, and paying for the service for things like : yahoo messenger , msn messenger , youtube , myspace , twitter , google ( paying for your limited internet engine search results ) - what the government want you to know .

i can see all this happening if folks don't wake up, i think alot of people are already programmed to just go along with these new policies automatically..

and with this new video from alex jones recentley saying there planning to shut down the web :

that was the question today more or less warning people .

here is a recent development about this new policy to change youtube on april the 16th - which alot of youtube fans are seriously unhappy about , here, you have to read it :…

this is only the beggining, apparentley their making it look like '' hulu '' and some are saying they can predict people will eventually have to pay for youtube ..

i already fear alot of people are to brainwashed to wake up to whats happening.

when they shut down the net, it will be too late.What do you think about this new policy to ruin youtube?
You quite rightly resent the intrusion of marketing interests into this very flexible, very nearlly international forum.

The loss of the open format, at its best, community-interactive, and at its veritable worst, just mildly anarchic, would entail some sharp, angry pains in the pelvis.

It is true that Youtube is as frustating and enigmatic as any graffitti wall, where contributors are forever throwing up their 'material' on top of their predecessors', and where the creative possiblities of brazen unaccountability have long since been staked out.

The next step is to exhaust those possibilities; some are ALREADY prepared to throw out the old hat, while the rest of us could be kept happy for as much time as we've got left with what we've got.

Welcome to the injustice of middle-age, Dr. Proteus.

It just gets worse, 'as we go sliding down the razor-blade of life'.What do you think about this new policy to ruin youtube?
1 The New World Order idea has been around since before I was born (1950s) and it hasn't happened yet unless we want it to*.

2 If I am required to pay for Yahoo Answers or YouTube... I'll just stop using it. I can live without these things just the way I did a few years ago before they were around. I used to visit a local news forum a long time ago where people would discuss news topics. Then people started becoming haters and the forum turned real ugly. The forum changed and required people to register and log-in... I didn't like the idea of being identified, so I just stopped doing that and found something else.

3 If %26quot;the government%26quot; is going to monitor everyone's activities, how many people will that require... and secondly... who is going to watch those people.

4 YouTube didn't make a new policy. They have always had a policy against copyright infringement. They promised to do something about violators if complaints were registered. WMG complained and YouTube is now enforcing their policy. The enormous scope of the violations has made YouTube get tough concerning uploading.

What this policy shows us is NOT how Big Brother is watching us, but rather, how many people are willing to violate a policy that they agreed to abide by in the first place. An old comic strip had a famous quote: “WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY AND HE IS US.” This is very true!

* People voluntarily give up their rights all the time. When you use a savers card at your grocery store, you are giving up your privacy to the store (who use the data to target market you) so you'll save a few cents on peanut butter or tuna. People insist on safer streets. So they install cameras that record everyone who drives through an intersection. Security cameras are everywhere and most people are happy that they are, when the images are used to help capture a criminal. When it comes to the government controlling things, consider this: When gas prices recently hit over $4 a gallon, people began saying that the government should step in and control gas prices. If it had happened, do you believe that once the government had taken control of gas sales, that things would ever go back to 'normal'? After taking over, the government could do whatever it wanted. And who would we be able to complain to then? We asked for it!

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